Mystery surrounds Vladimir Putin as body guard dies after ‘poisoning’ | World | News

A security officer for Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus’s leader, has died under suspicious circumstances. The incident, believed to be linked to poisoning, has raised concerns about security and potential foul play.

Telegram channel ‘Kremlin snuff box’ revealed the news in an ominous message, stating: “Lukashenko’s guard died. He was probably poisoned during a January visit to St. Petersburg.”

The post continued, shedding light on the grim details: “A security officer for Alexander Lukashenko, in whose body heavy metals were found during the Belarusian leader’s visit to St. Petersburg at the beginning of the year, has died. This information was confirmed to us by two sources close to Lukashenko.”

The incident occurred during Lukashenko’s visit to St. Petersburg earlier this year when one of his guards fell ill. Following his return to Minsk, he was diagnosed with thallium poisoning. Despite the severity of the situation, Belarusian authorities have remained silent, refraining from making official statements.

Lukashenko’s reaction to the tragedy is yet to be disclosed, adding to the mystery surrounding the incident.

This development adds to a string of incidents targeting critics and adversaries of Russian President Vladimir Putin. From the poisoning of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko to the recent death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in prison, suspicions of Kremlin involvement have persisted, despite official denials.

Navalny’s case, in particular, drew international attention when he fell critically ill on a flight in August 2020, with subsequent investigations confirming poisoning by a Soviet-era nerve agent, novichok.

His subsequent arrest, conviction on disputed charges, and subsequent death in prison have raised serious questions about human rights and political dissent in Russia.

Similarly, other figures such as Boris Nadezhdin, an opposition politician who declared his intention to challenge Putin in the 2024 presidential election, faced obstacles and intimidation.

Despite his efforts to gather support and criticise Kremlin policies, Nadezhdin was barred from running, underscoring the challenges faced by political dissenters in Russia.

The mysterious death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman known for his ties to the private military company Wagner and his defiance of Kremlin authorities, further deepens suspicions surrounding the extent of state involvement in such incidents. Despite claims of accidental death, questions linger over the circumstances of Prigozhin’s death, with some alleging Kremlin complicity.

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