Horoscope: Astrologer shares two signs in for ‘a lucky month’

Zodiac signs inside of horoscope circle astrology and horoscopes concept

Astrologer says two star signs will thrive in July – one with a ‘double dose of luck’ (Image: Getty)

There’s plenty of positive change on the horizon for the 12 zodiac signs this month, with another Full Moon known as the Buck Moon on July 21.

Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk in collaboration with Taratoo, Inbaal said: “It’s a lucky month for two of the most powerful signsLeo and Capricorn. The month of July boasts a second full moon for the sign of Capricorn. Normally every sign has one full moon in the year, which is always on the opposite sign to the Sun.

“This month, the sun is in Cancer, so the full moon is in Capricorn. But in June, we already had a Capricorn full moon, just hours after the Sun went into Cancer.

“Every full moon is lucky to the sign it inhabits, so Capricorns are getting a double dose of good luck. This will present itself in all walks of life, from love to education, but for Capricorn, business is the most important aspect, and they’ll see a lovely uptick in their finances.

“The sunny sign of Leo sees visitations from two major planets – communicative Mercury brings good news, and romantic Venus follows later with the love, as well as the Sun that kicks off Leo season from July 22. This makes it a busy month for Leo, in all the best ways.”

Astrology infographic

There are 12 Zodiac signs in Western astrology (Image: THE EXPRESS)

Cancer – June 21 to July 22

Invitation-only events, surrounded by your nearest and dearest, are your favourite way to spend any day, Cancer. Especially your birthday! As July carries on, your celebrations become more intimate, just the way you like them. You start the month with three planets in your sign. Chatty Mercury brings bigger social gatherings until the 2nd, romantic planet Venus promises quieter peaceful dates until the 11th, and the Sun in your sign guarantees effortless, fun phone calls and social media posts until the 21st. You end the month with no planets in your sign, which gives you the much-coveted opportunity to wind down peacefully.

Leo – July 23 to August 22

You do not mind being centre stage, Leo, and this July, there’s a bit of a wait for it. Your ruler is the Sun, and summer is your season, so July is never a letdown. But the Sun is in subtle, quiet Cancer until the 21st, so you’ll be spending your days working, focusing, and supporting your loved ones. As the Sun moves into Leo from the 22nd, that’s when you get to burst out into the big summer vibe. For the final ten days of the month, you’re out on roof gardens and dancing at exclusive events, making memories and taking selfies that will last all summer long.

Virgo – August 23 to September 22

Your kind nature means that you tend to put others first, Virgo, and you do it happily, with your full heart. Which means that this July, when you can finally put yourself first, it is twice as sweet. Your ruling planet, chatty Mercury, starts out in quiet Cancer for the first two days of the month, so you’re helping out with family, listening intently to friends, and then Mercury moves to Leo. Between the 3rd and the 25th you’re in the Leo vibe, helping friends move house, giving people a lift and donating to everyone who asks. So when, at long last, Mercury is in Virgo, your own sign from the 26th, you feel no remorse in prioritising your own peace and your own projects. Enjoy, you’ve earned it.

Libra – September 23 to October 22

You feel happiest when you’re in small groups, Libra, even alone, or with one or two friends. This July will stretch you socially and push you out of your comfort zone. Your ruling planet Venus goes through two signs this month, and they’re very different. Until the 11th, Venus is in family-loving Cancer, so you’ll be surrounded by family, with visits from overseas and even overnight house guests. They’re people you adore, but it will be a lot. Then, from the 12th onwards, Venus is in proud Leo, a sign that loves to be centre stage, so you’ll still be surrounded by people, but many of them will be unfamiliar, in a work conference or a holiday away. It will be fun, and it will teach you that you absolutely can do extreme socialising.

Scorpio – October 23 to November 21

You’re an enigmatic individual, Scorpio, and your love of the unusual stems from your ruling planet Pluto, the planet of transformation. When you wake up in the morning, you may be a different person to who you were when you went to sleep last night. July brings yet another month of your planet in the charitable sign of Aquarius, so your devotion to taking care of others is again coming to the front. This month, the planet is retrograde, which means that your kindness may be unappreciated, but you don’t do it for the thanks, you do it because you are you, so keep being your unique self.

Sagittarius – November 22 to December 21

You’re a party animal at the best of times, Sagittarius and you’re always happy to pick up the tab at the bar, thanks to your ruling planet, generous Jupiter. This July, your planet is in the sociable sign of Gemini all month long, so your festival summer will be one to remember. You’ll meet new people, maybe even start dating someone new, and all that while you’ve got one waiting for you at home! Under Gemini’s guidance, everything is fun and flirty, don’t take any promises too seriously, because at sunrise, they’ll disappear.

Zodiac signs represented by animals

Leo and Capricorn will be lucky star signs this month, according to Inbaal (Image: GETTY)

Capricorn – December 22 to January 19

Ambitious and direct, your natural tendency is to excel in business, Capricorn, and once you’re happy with your work and finances, then you get busy with everything else. This month something special happens, a little boost of good luck which you weren’t expecting. Do you remember how June’s full moon was in your sign? Well, won’t you believe it, July’s full moon is in Capricorn again. This gives you a chance to manifest harder and increase your good luck again. Go out to the garden or the nearest park, look at the grass growing, the flowers in full bloom, and the mighty trees, and wish for your abundance to flourish the same way.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

In your calling to take care of others, Aquarius, you often forget to take care of yourself. You’ll take the shirt off your back to help someone who you might not even know. This month Pluto, the planet of transformation is in your sign all month long, and to be frank it will be there a lot during the next couple of decades, but something is different in July. The planet is going backwards, also known as retrograde. It means that its influence on you takes you back to the past, where you get to remember a time that you helped another when you could have helped yourself. This chance meeting will motivate you to put yourself first here and there. Maybe not every time, but at least some of the time.

Pisces – February 19 to March 20

As the most romantic sign of the zodiac, you’re quite a daydreamer, Pisces. During July, two opposite influences drag you towards, and away from, your dreamy nature. Neptune, the planet of dreams is in your sign all month long, and Saturn, the planet of karma is, as well. Both of them are retrograde all month which means that their influence doesn’t move you forward, but backwards. As Saturn tries to make you more realistic, by showing you friends who are going through love issues, Neptune tries to keep you daydreaming, by bringing back an ex who you never quite got over. Do your best to see the lessons in those situations, rather than worry about the future of either.”

Aries – March 21 to April 19

Change and innovation are what you’re about, Aries, so sudden handbrake turns in life won’t phase you. This July, it’s a game of two halves, as your ruling planet, passionate Mars, visits two very different signs. Until the 20th, your planet is in a calm and peaceful Taurus, which brings love and romance into your life. The quiet kind, that makes you feel accepted and aligned. Soon enough though, Mars moves into party-loving Gemini, and all bets are off with the romance. From the 21st onwards, you prioritise festivals, social occasions and catching up with the many, not The One.

Taurus – April 20 to May 20

Quiet contemplation and enjoying peaceful moments is how you’d rather spend your days, Taurus. You have no taste for drama unless it’s on TV or in a book, but this July brings drama right to your doorstep. For the first 20 days of the month, you’ve got Mars, the planet of war in your sign. This means that for 20 days, you can’t keep away from hearing about the ins and outs of daily confrontations. You either deal with it in your own life, with rude shop staff or angry letters to the council, or you’re the sounding board for your dramatic friend, who tells you every last detail of her drama with her partner.

Gemini – May 21 to June 21

Socialising like a butterfly is your best-case scenario, Gemini, and you’ve always got more plans than you can get to. This July does not disappoint, in that case, as you’ve got a lovely, lucky planet in your sign all month. Jupiter, planet of generosity is in Gemini for all of July, which means you’ll be offered lucky breaks and opportunities all month long. Expect free entry to events, a complimentary drink at the bar, and even an extra day off courtesy of your organisation. Mars, the planet of passion is in your sign from the 21st, so there could be some extra passionate sizzle during the end of the month.

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