Chinese New Year 2024: Year of the Dragon horoscopes

Dragon dance in Liverpool Chinatown

2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon (Image: Getty)

There are 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Your special animal is picked based on your birth year. So, if you were born in 2024, you’re a Dragon. If you’re going to be born in 2025, you’ll be a Snake, and it keeps going like that.

But wait, there’s more! People who really follow this have even more details to think about. There’s a big cycle with 10 “heavenly stems” and 12 “earthly branches”.

Each year gets a “heavenly stem” (that’s one of five elements, which can be yin or yang) matched with an “earthly branch” (one of the zodiac animals).

For 2024, we get the “Jia” heavenly stem, which means yang wood, and the “Chen” earthly branch, which is the Dragon. Put them together, and it’s the Year of the Wood Dragon.

Thierry Chow, who knows a lot about the Chinese zodiac, revealed what is in the stars for each Chinese zodiac sign for the next 12 months, until early 2025.

Blue Insularis snake

Those born in the year of the snake will not have the best year in 2024 (Image: Getty)

Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

“For those born in the Dragon year, you might find things a bit more challenging in work and relationships,” warned Chow. “It’s a good year to keep a low profile. The more you try to stand out, the harder it could be.”

At work, you might face more competition than before and money might not come as easily. “Stay grounded and try to save money as it’s going to be a tough year,” Chow advised. “Let’s just do more window shopping and less actual shopping.”

Dragons should also try to go to more happy events to bring in positive vibes, with Chow sharing an old Chinese saying: “One fortunate event would cancel out three disasters.”

Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

For those of you born in the Snake year, there will be several changes within your family this year, Chow predicted, but at some point, luck will be on your side.

“You will generally have good relationships this year. You might even attract some admirers and make some great new friends,” the expert told CNN.

When faced with difficulties, Snakes should remember that challenges can lead to growth and wisdom. But Chow warned that doesn’t mean you can sit back and wait for good luck to come.

Chow encouraged people born in the Snake years to put in the effort if they want to reap the rewards. “You’ll have the opportunities, don’t waste the potential,” the expert stated.

Hard work will also translate into more income this year. As for romance, Chow said things will be stable but Snakes are encouraged to participate in social events.

Portrait of goat standing on field

Goats may need to alter their ways or risk burnout (Image: Getty)

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Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

This year, a special star called Yi Ma Xing will shine over people born in the Year of the Horse. It’s the star of movement, meaning Horses will likely have more chances to hit the road than they did last year.

“Whether you’re working or studying, you should travel near or afar as much as you can. Travel would bring luck and opportunities for you,” said Chow.

If you’re feeling a bit lonely, Chow said all that travel could even lead to romance. Even though Horses don’t clash with Tai Sui this year, the expert recommended people born under this zodiac sign to visit the temple for some extra blessings as well.

Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

People born in the Year of the Goat will need to plan their schedules wisely, otherwise stress and busy schedules will take a toll on their mental and physical health, warned Chow.

“If you have been doing things the same way the past years, it is time to change and build a new plan,” Chow said. It may be the year Goats will have a breakthrough or a promotion at work money and fame could follow when that happens.

Though they are in a negative position with Tai Sui, Goats will generally find joy in pleasant relationships with friends and colleagues.

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Monkeys can expect a pretty steady year ahead. “Maybe you won’t feel like having the opportunity to shine too much but that’s OK,” said Chow. “Just be happy with what you have for now and know that better things will come later in the year.”

Squirrel monkey

Monkeys could find their partner for life in 2024 (Image: Getty)

Monkeys will find making money easy but so is spending it. So, Chow advised Monkeys to be careful with their money this year.

If you’re a Monkey looking for love, you might find your perfect match through friends this year – it’s a good year to get serious or find someone who matches well with you.

Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Those born in the Year of the Rooster will have a peaceful relationship with Tai Sui this year. This usually means a lucky year for Roosters when it comes to making new friends and finding the right life partners if they don’t already have one, said Chow.

In general, Roosters will have a nice, stable year. “It’s better to stay put in the first half of the year, like if you want to change jobs,” said Chow. “It’s good to wait till the second half of the year to find good opportunities.”

Part II will have the Chinese zodiac horoscopes for Dog, Pig, Rat, Ox, Tiger, and Rabbit.

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