American living in UK baffled by ‘very different’ place Britons keep common appliance | UK | News

An American woman living in the UK has revealed various national quirks and habits she’s spotted since moving to Blighty, including where Brits put a common household appliance.

Helene Sula, 37, moved from her Dallas, Texas home to Oxford in October with husband Michael, 36.

The Texan said she was surprised by linguistic differences she has encountered, including the regular use of “cheers” to thank people – a phrase she now uses “every day.”

But interesting contrasts in the way Brits and Americans arrange their homes also caught her attention.

“Most of the washing machines are in the kitchen, it is very different,” Helene said.

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Most British homes don’t have utility rooms, and so the machines are usually fitted next to the water supply, waste pipe and power, a UK-based plumber explained on Reddit.

Helene was also shocked by the stiffness of British beds, commenting: “The beds are as hard as rocks this is maybe something Fred Flintstone would prefer.”

She was also struck by how different dwellings are “across the pond” and how much bigger American houses tend to be.

“The houses are so different to me. They are so different from the US, they are much smaller,” she said. “The architecture can be frustrating here, just in the sense that it is older.”

Other linguistic differences stood out, such as saying “cycle” rather than the American English “bike”.

“We say ‘bike’ or ‘I am going to go biking’ and you all say ‘cycle’,” she said.

Others included “rubbish” instead of “garbage” and “candyfloss” instead of “cotton candy”.

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Helene also praised the Brits she has encountered for being “genuine”, saying Southern Americans are, in comparison, “a little bit fake”.

She shares her experiences in a blog and a book called “Two O’clock on a Tuesday At Trevi Fountain.”

Helene also fell for British cuisine, and discovered a particular taste for pies and the large variety of different crisps flavours.

She was drawn to the country by Britain’s “natural beauty” and historical architecture.

And though Helene had to get to grips with some confusing new lingo, she said it was all part of the charm of her new home.

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