WASPI chief hails fresh compensation support in build up to General Election | Personal Finance | Finance

WASPI campaigners were pleased to see the Liberal Democrats have renewed their support for compensation for 1950s women in their manifesto.

The Lib Dem manifesto released ahead of the General Election has pledged to “ensure that women born in the 1950s are finally treated fairly and properly compensated”.

Angela Madden, chair of WASPI, told Express.co.uk: “We’re very pleased with the Lib Dems, they have been supportive all the way through. They always supported us in the last administration.

“Hopefully they’ll get more MPs this time and they’ll be able to give us even better support.”

She said it was “disappointing” the Conservatives had stuck to their previous position in their manifesto.

The policy document from the Conservatives said: ” We are carefully considering the Ombudsman report into WASPI women and will work with Parliament to provide an appropriate and swift response.”

Other political parties that have previously backed calls for compensation include the SNP and George Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain.

Turning to the Labour manifesto, which is due to be released tomorrow (June 13), Ms Madden said she is unsure if WASPI will get a mention.

She commented: “I honestly don’t know what to expect. I would be surprised if it doesn’t get a mention, whether it will be something like the Conservatives or the Lib Dems, who knows.

“Hopefully it will be something more in line with the Lib Dems.

“Even if they committed to implementing the Ombudsman’s findings, it would be better than what the Conservatives have done.”

The WASPI cause has also had fresh support from trade union Unite, who have set out a ‘Decent Retirement for All’ manifesto.

The manifesto sets out: “The women affected by changes to their state pension age should receive an apology from the government and should be given proper compensation.”

Ms Madden said she had seen the Unite manifesto and said that their campaign previously had a lot of support from another trade union, Unison, who have also backed other campaign groups for 1950s women.

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