Quarter of Brits can’t ride bike and nearly half can’t rollerblade

A poll of 2,000 adults found 22% of these want to learn but feel it’s too late. It comes after previous data showed, five years ago, just one in eight weren’t able to ride a bike – but this has now risen to 24 per cent.

A further 46% said they’re unable to rollerblade, while 28% don’t know how to swim. It was found 37% are scared of getting into a new sport as more than half (52%) think they lack the skill whilst 42% don’t want to embarrass themselves.

The research was commissioned by HONOR UK to launch its new phone, the Magic 6 Pro, with an AI motion sensing capture feature in its camera. Bond Zhang, CEO of the global technology brand, said: “People shouldn’t be scared to try a new skill even if it is riding a bike or engaging in any sport.

“It can feel scary and embarrassing to try a new sport, but capturing those moments can really help you improve. But one day you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come and be glad to have those memories.”

The study also found skateboarding (50%), ice skating (43%) and football (30%) were among the other sports people don’t know how to do. But surfing (17%), Taekwondo (11%) and gymnastics (9%) were the sports they wish they’d taken up.

Of those unable to ride a bike, 16% said being scared of falling off was one of the main reasons for them not learning, while 14% said they’re now too embarrassed to pick it up as an adult.

More than eight in 10 (81%) think it’s important to keep learning new things as you get older but more than half (52%) said they’d feel foolish if they were to try to learn a new skill now. However, 78% feel inspired when older people master new skills.

Over half (58%) admitted to feeling years younger than their actual age, while 19% feel more active now than they thought they would have been 20 years ago.

But 33% don’t feel motivated enough to learn a new skill or sport and 30% simply don’t have the time. A further 27% said not being able to do certain sports or activities holds them back in life. While 22% of those who took part in the study by OnePoll.com, feel pressured by society to excel in these types of areas.

Bond Zhang for the HONOR Magic6 Pro, which has 12 different sporting motions automatically captured by AI, added: “Learning new things can be scary sometimes, but it’s important to understand why people might feel that way.

“This study helps us see why some folks might be hesitant to try new sports or activities. We should all work together to create a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable trying new things and confident in capturing their successes without worrying about what others might think.”

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