Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for September 4
Differences and discrepancies in the workplace are starting to escalate. Disagreements over minor details create a distance between you and a colleague. If you want to keep this relationship harmonious, the best course of action is to refrain from arguments. Trivial disagreements will eventually come to an end.
Don’t even consider the idea when a friend or colleague presents a wild suggestion. Avoid encouraging them to explain further, even in a light-hearted way. Although you may be tempted to humour them, if they begin to take it seriously, things could escalate and this could be problematic.
Don’t feel embarrassed about letting a partner or relative in on your dreams and hopes for the future. There will always be someone who is there to support you and as they do, don’t forget to express how grateful you are for their unwavering support.
Your usual sharp intuition may be slightly off when it comes to finances. This is a sign that you should refrain from spending extravagantly, investing in get rich quick schemes or taking any kind of financial risk. Keep an eye on your wallet and check your car is securely locked after parking it.
You have more power over a situation than you think. It’s not as bleak as you initially believed. Some unexpected good news will provide comfort as well. Take charge and use your intelligence to overcome challenges and change your life. Staying productive will boost your confidence.
Chasing a lead, acting on a tip and relying on your intuition can all enhance your business prospects. Whether in business or romance, be sure you keep informed about your competitors’ activities. A strategic approach will help you outperform your competitors.
It may be necessary to reschedule a date due to an important meeting that requires your presence. Although this can’t be helped, a partner will show their irritation. You have too many other things to think about and you’re eagerly looking forward to dedicating some of your time to a meaningful cause.
Be prepared to investigate more deeply if the information you were expecting to answer a question does not shed any light on the aspects you are concerned about. It will also be important to question why you should trust someone who is being very secretive. You would do better to be suspicious of them.
It’s not easy to hide your feelings when a close friend or partner does something that upsets you. Instead of becoming angry or bitter, ask if you can talk about it. Responding with simple acts of kindness can be another approach. This helps you avoid getting caught up in arguments. Stay calm and choose kindness.
You’re feeling slightly muddled and confused as you come to terms with the need to let go of old habits in order to build a more settled future. A new work project will allow you to showcase your skills. Praise and recognition of your achievements will make you realise you are making good choices.
Are you still waiting for the right moment to make some changes? If so, you will finally come to the realisation that there’s no such thing as the perfect time and things won’t magically happen on their own. If there’s something you’ve been longing to do that you can’t stop thinking about, the power is in your hands. Take charge and make it a reality.
You have some fantastic plans and these are all ready to be presented to a committee or higher authority. If you’re hoping to influence those in power, timing is crucial. If you suddenly get the feeling a senior official isn’t quite prepared to listen to your ideas, it might be best to hold onto them for now.