Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for July 9


You could easily fall for the captivating ideas of a charming leader but after some reflection, you might reconsider. This shift in perspective demonstrates wisdom. Be ready to expose someone’s unfair tactics. The last thing they will want is to have their underhanded deeds brought to light.


Be certain to address any legal or financial issues promptly to avoid potential losses from hefty fines or fees. Attending a party, community gathering, or club event will lead to the start of a new friendship or romantic relationship. Worries about finances overshadow an otherwise decent day.


Tackle tasks you have recently put aside either due to lack of time or motivation. These jobs won’t take as long to complete as you expected and you might wish you had got them out of the way sooner. If there are apologies to be made, whether it is for something you did or didn’t do, make them now.


Building strong social and professional relationships can lead to financial gains. More funding options are becoming available from outside sources. Influential people are open to hearing your ideas, but it’s wise to stay silent if a competitor starts asking questions. There’s no need to disclose ongoing progress to competitors.


Social events and activities bring out the best in you. You can relax and be yourself when you are with your favourite people. It’s a wonderful time to enjoy the happiness friendship can bring. Your positivity and cheerful personality will attract new people into your life. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with those you look up to and hold in high regard.


Professional responsibilities weigh heavily on your mind. Believe in yourself right now. Stay optimistic and if you are serious about current goals, you will find the strength and determination to achieve them. Change may be unsettling at first, but things will stabilise soon. With your preference for routine and security, they always do.


Routine tasks keep you busy, but deep down, you can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to life than this. It’s like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle and it’s difficult to find the motivation to tackle mundane chores when you’d rather be somewhere else. If someone offers to help, don’t hesitate to accept.


You’re letting some strong emotions get the better of you. Instead, you might use all this inner energy to drive you forward. Be patient and persist if you hope to achieve a self-set target. If you can keep nerves under control and stay calm, today’s achievements will pave the way for a promotion or exciting future opportunity.


You realise the importance of getting on well with others if you are to achieve desired outcomes. Even if someone close isn’t being very cooperative, you will patiently respond to their criticism. Your actions serve as a model for others to follow and this will eventually lead to them to understand the benefits of cooperation.


If you’re in the middle of a difficult business or legal transaction, make sure you are fully informed of everything that is going on. Even just a small lapse of concentration could lead to someone grabbing the chance they have been watching for to bring some deceit into play.


It can be amazing how relationships improve over time. You’re starting to talk more openly with an older relative even though you haven’t been getting along too well lately. It’s a great feeling when someone is willing to let go of past issues and you’re more than happy to go along with their decisions.


Your attention is centred on your home, family, and property interests. Your strong love for your family motivates you to spend quality time at home. This is a great time to start searching for a new place to live if you have plans to relocate. When it comes to work, let your imagination soar and make the most of opportunities that come your way.

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