HMRC alert as pensioner, 81, receives tax code letter addressed to ‘unknown’ person | Personal Finance | Finance

A pensioner was alarmed to receive a letter about a tax code change addressed to another person.

The woman’s daughter contacted HMRC over X to call her urgent action over the error.

She said: “My mum, age 81, has received a tax code notice addressed to her home/postcode for a person totally unknown to any members of the family!!??

“She has lived at her home address for 50+ years. We want this persons name removed ASAP and confirmation that this has been done.”

A member of customer support responded to the query. They said: “Sorry to hear this has happened. Please return the post marked “Not known at this address”. The team will update the records as soon as possible.”

Another concerned taxpayer recently contaced HRMC as he had paid tax on money that he had never earned.

He told the tax authority: ” I have been struggling for weeks to get a response to a PAYE issue caused by another company using my NI number. Currently being taxed to repay tax for money I have not earned and need support please.”

The man said he had reported the issue last year but he was still being incorrectly taxed.

He also said he had tried to call up HMRC about the issue several times but kept being cut off.

A representative replied suggesting he try the income tax helpline and directing him to this webpage.

The man said: “I have contacted the helpline several times with no luck or the line cuts off, I need a way to escalate this.”

He was told the lines would be quieter before 9am and between 5pm and 6pm, but the man said he tried five times after 5pm yesterday and was “cut off every time”.

The representative said his only other option was to write in about the problem. They said: “As we are a general advice service we can’t access records to check this for you I’m afraid.”

The man asked if the issue could be escalated further but the customer support team said they couldn’t do this as they couldn’t access his individual records.

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