Expert reveals five reasons for hair loss and five minute method for thicker hair

Gina said: “You need to know whether you are producing oil or underproducing oil, and we need to get that balance back. We naturally have an acid balance and if our acid balance is out of sync, we are potentially more susceptible to allergies or a bacterial infection on our scalp.

“One of the best things to do for our scalp is a scalp massage. Even if it’s five minutes a day, or when you’re in the shower, do some slow deep movements, as well as some fast, vigorous movements.

“The fast vigorous movements on the dry scalp are going to exfoliate your dead skin. The slow movements are going to bring about blood circulation. And in that blood, are all your beautiful vitamins and minerals and everything that feeds your skin cells.”

Five possible explanations for hair loss:

  • Stress: “Stress is one of the most important things linked to hair loss from people outside the age at which hair loss naturally occurs. So if they are aged under 35, we look at the stress factors.”

  • Diet: “I always say for those who are eating meat and fish, it’s all the oily fish that are going to do wonders for your hair if you think it is dull and dry. You need to up your vitamin B12, B complexes and Vitamin E’s,” she added: “If you’re a vegetarian, that’s fine – but you can use supplements to get the Omega-3 in your system”. 

  • Medication: “We also look at whether you are on any medication. An illness is similar to stress where you’ll lose hair because your body is so busy taking care of itself. That’s its priority – to heal itself, but your hair, skin and nails are the last things to get fed. That’s often why we have hair loss because your body is not being fed those things. The medication could be somehow blocking your hair growth.”

  • Scalp health: “We spend so much money on beautiful creams, cleansers, toners, moisturisers and overnight serums. But our scalp is also part of our skin as well. It is equally as important and if we want to keep the scalp healthy and the hair on our heads, we have to look after our scalps.”

  • Genetics: “If you can catch it before you’ve lost your hair for seven years, it will likely grow back, but if you don’t catch it, those cells go dormant and eventually die. A lot of people say, ‘Oh my hair is fine now, it won’t happen.’ But if you wait too long, it’s not coming back.”

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