Chinese astrology: 3 animal signs to attract ‘financial success’ this week

Three Chinese zodiac signs are set to attract financial success by harnessing their inner strength.

The I Ching hexagram of success for this period is Mountain over Earth, which serves as a potent reminder that achieving success isn’t solely about knowing what actions to take; it’s equally about recognising the perfect timing for those actions, an astrologer told YourTango.

“Divine timing comes in when you’re not thinking about the timing anymore,” life coach and author Haley Hoffman Smith elucidated in a TikTok video.

Success often arrives unexpectedly, but as Smith noted, “you’re able to look back and see the events that led to it and why the timing was perfect”.

This week, take time to journal your thoughts on success and ponder the myriad of small moments that have culminated in your achievements thus far. Such reflection can be a source of encouragement during stagnant periods, reinforcing the belief that greater triumphs lie ahead.


For those born under the sign of the Goat, the upcoming week promises financial rewards as a result of your dedication and hard work in recent months. Your magnetic charm is opening doors and placing you amidst influential circles at just the right junctures.

Stay humble this week, and connect with your heritage and traditions, as these will be key to unlocking further fiscal prosperity.

Should you have faced financial hurdles previously, now is the moment to scrutinise your social circle. Consider the notion that you are the sum of the five individuals closest to you – what does this collective equate to? Your power colour this week is black. You will benefit from incorporating it more frequently into your wardrobe.


Ox, you are set to enjoy financial success this week, which is the result of a series of actions and decisions you’ve made over the past several weeks. You’re advised to stick with proven financial strategies for saving and budgeting, which will help prolong this period of financial prosperity.

Re-evaluate your circle of friends to ensure there are no false friends hindering your ultimate potential and success. If you find yourself needing to justify your worth to those who should be supporting you, it’s a clear indication they’re not supportive. Your power colour this week is silver.


Pig, you can anticipate a robust financial week ahead, thanks to the positive energy you’ve invested in yourself over the past several weeks. This has enabled you to attract this success, so keep this in mind as you progress. And don’t forget to pay it forward.

Whenever possible, shop at small, local businesses to foster a positive ecosystem and nurture the good energy that’s present for you.

If you’re feeling stuck in your manifestations, try jotting down your thoughts this week. This will provide a platform for you to express all that’s on your mind, helping you identify what’s hindering you, be it an ingrained belief, an external influence or resources you need to gather first.

Your power colour for the week is green. Incorporating more green fruits and vegetables into your diet and wearing the colour more frequently could prove beneficial.

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