Brits spend £17.8bn a year pampering their pets, study finds
There is no doubt who is Top Dog in many households and a huge £17.8 billion is set to be spent on pampering the nation’s pooches this year.
Research commissioned by pet insurance brand ManyPets revealed the lengths animal lovers will go to in order to keep their resident pooch happy.
Almost two thirds (64%) of pet pawrents said their dog’s happiness was more important than their own and almost half (48%) confessed to putting their pet’s needs before those of their partners and children. 86% even confess to leaving a social event early to spend more time pampering their furry companion.
Almost a third (31%) lay a place at the dining table for them and 41% provide a home prepped meal. After dinner, 43% of lucky dogs get to recline on their very own spot on the sofa, with 57% tucked up in their blanket.
Two thirds (66%) of owners said their dogs have a dedicated bedtime routine, including washing and brushing their fur (40%) followed by their teeth (26%) before playing their nightly playlist of relaxing music (23%).
One in ten will be treated to a ‘fairy tail’ and a similar amount (9%) will actually indulge in some downward dog pet yoga.
While 71% of pets have their own bed and 35% have their own duvet, almost a third of owners (29%) allow their pet to snuggle in with them every night while more than half (55%) will let them creep under the covers at least once or twice a week.
For 83% of the 2,000 dog owners polled by ManyPets pampering is a daily ritual – but is it not limited to cuddles and treats at home. Almost two thirds (61%) spend up to £100 on pet grooming including pedipaws (20%) and a cut and blow dry (32%) and even massages (16%). In comparison, only 51% will spend the same amount at human hairdressers every month.
Even holidays are planned with our pets in mind. Over half (59%) of dog owners have opted for a staycation so they can take their furry friends along and nearly half (48%) pack a special suitcase full of doggie essentials. A very lucky 18% of dogs are treated to first class seats if they are obliged to travel on public transport.
And the reason for all this pampering? Well, 88% of pet owners said they interact with their charges just as they would with a human, 64% want to make sure they are happy at all times and 61% said it was a way of strengthening the human/animal bond.
ManyPets Vet Dr Joanna Woodnutt BVM BVS MRCVS, said: “It’s brilliant to see how much the nation values their pets, and considers them part of the family.
However you choose to pamper your pets, be sure to listen to them and look out for signs that they may not be enjoying themselves in order to ensure they feel relaxed, happy and comfortable at all times.”
ManyPets unveils the 10 pet pampering activities set to dominate households in 2025:
1. Owners bathing their pets (71%)
2. Regularly buying new toys (64%)
3. Celebrating their pet’s birthday (54%)
4. Giving their pet a dedicated space on the sofa (43%)
5. Meal prepping home cooked food (41%)
6. Setting a place at the table so pets can eat as part of the family (31%)
7. Giving their pet a manicure (28%)
8. Feeding their pets by hand (19%)
9. Holding an umbrella over them to shelter them from the rain (16%)
10. Hosting a pet photoshoot (10%)