Astrologer shares which zodiac sign will have unlucky month in August

In western there are 12 signs, all with unique personality traits and characteristics.

While a new month brings new beginnings, not all zodiac signs will be feeling lucky as we settle into August.

According to astrologer Lauren Ash, one sign may be particularly down on their luck this month – .

She told Best Life that Taurus might find it difficult to concentrate on their goals during the warmer months.

The astrologer claimed: “You’re the responsible, warm-hearted, and determined type, Taurus. 

“As an earth sign, you’re more interested in building things that last and reflect your values. 

“During your season, it’s easier to block out the noise around you and get things done. 

“However, you tend to find it hard to focus once the summer turns hot and Leo season comes around.”

This suggests that Taurus (those born between April 20 and May 20) is particularly lucky during Taurus season.

Lauren added that August’s “fast and loose energy” can be “overwhelming” for this sign, making them feel “rushed” or “overloaded”. 

She warned that as a result of this they might retreat until life is a little calmer.

In order to prosper this month and not feel helpless during more chaotic times, the astrologer advised Taurus to be more aware of their stubborn side and work on this trait.

According to Lauren Taurus is the most “unyielding” sign, which is unsurprising as they are represented by the Bull.

Accepting that August is a challenging month may be Taurus’ first step to feeling a little luckier.

According to an astrologer, their hard work will be “rewarded” in the upcoming few weeks. 

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