Astrologer shares ‘luckiest dates for love’ this year
In astrology, the 12 star signs each are known for their unique characteristics and qualities which makes some more prone to being lucky than others.
But when it comes to love, it can feel like a losing game for all – regardless of your zodiac.
That said, there are some dates deemed luckier than others for finding the one, according to astrologer and celebrity psychic, Inbaal Honigman.
She has teamed up with engagement ring specialists Austen & Blake to determine which dates could signify romantic beginnings, or bring on deeper commitments such as proposals this year.
Inbaal said: “Whether you believe in new moons being more romantic than full moons, or the summer solstice signifying love – when we are more open to believing in love and allow the zodiac to influence our energy, we are more likely to find it.”
She continued: “The luckiest date for love in 2024 will take place as May begins. The traditional Celtic festival of Beltane also takes place on May 1, and it’s a festival of life and fertility.
“On this day in 2024, we have no planets at all in retrograde, which is uncommon. Four planets on that day are in the stable and home-loving sign of Taurus. The sun, of course, is in Taurus, as it is Taurus season and planet venus, which is the planet of love, is in Taurus on that day. The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus (the planet of love), so this is an important placement and makes the day extremely lucky for love.”
Inbaal elaborated: “Two planets are in Pisces on this date, which is the most romantic sign of the zodiac. She claimed that the combination of Taurean homeliness, Pisces romance and Beltane fertility, make this date “ideal for moving into your first home together as a couple, proposing, or making other romantic commitments”.
The astrologer explained that June 21 is another day to be lucky in love – and it’s no wonder with its status as Midsummer, when nature is at its peak.
Inbaal said: “The longest day and the shortest night. Midsummer used to be an ancient day for celebrating weddings, and in many cultures, Midsummer is still a traditional day for weddings. Astrologically, two romantic events meet on June 21. First, it is the start of cancer season – the sign is home-loving, family-minded and warm.
“Cancer season is characterised by gentleness and love. Three planets are in cancer that day, including Venus, the planet of love. Secondly, June 21 marks a full moon – so the year peaks on the longest day, while the moon peaks at its fullest too.”
September 17, the Lunar Eclipse day, is when the moon is very influential in love, according to Inbaal. She said: “It rules dreams and illusions, and what is romance if not an illusion? The Lunar eclipse only ever happens during the full moon, and on that day, the full moon happens to be in Pisces – the most romantic sign of the zodiac.”
Lunar eclipses are known to bring “all that is hidden” to the surface, which can be positive in relationships where better communication is needed, claimed the astrologer.
Inbaal added: “On this day, the sun is in sensible Virgo, pushing us towards non-toxic relationships. Love planet Venus is also in the balanced sign of Libra, encouraging love stories rooted in equality and peacefulness. This day lucky for a first date or a deep conversation around the next stage of a relationship, such as engagement or parenthood.”
The final date, December 30, is particularly interesting for love – the day of the second dark moon in December. The astrologer said: “Every month usually has one dark moon and one full moon. A rare second full moon in a month is called a blue moon, and a rare second dark moon in a month is therefore the black moon.
The dark moon is a perfect moment for new beginnings, and on December 30, both the sun and the moon are in earthy Capricorn. It is a mature sign, useful for serious relationships with long-term potential, said Inbaal.
She continued: “The combination of Capricorn maturity and lunar new beginnings, make this a lucky day for signing up to a singles app, starting your search for a forever home, or making strong future commitments.”